Monday, November 14, 2016

Does Getting Dental Implants Require Surgery?

Dental implants are widely regarded as the best option for replacing knocked-out or extracted teeth. Not only do they prevent the teeth from shifting out of place leading to orthodontic issues, but they also reverse jaw bone loss, restoring facial structure.

Dental implants procedure

Placing a dental implant is a lengthy process. It begins with a simple surgical process. Our dental implants dentist in Beverly Hills will create a hole in the jaw bone where a tooth once was. A titanium post will be placed, and left to heal and fuse with the jaw bone. This process usually takes a minimum of seven months. The titanium post will be topped with a temporary crown during this time, to complete the look of the smile. Once the area is finished healing, patients will return to their dentist for an abutment and permanent crown. 

Some patients do not have the oral health to undergo surgery. For example, the jaw bone may not be dense enough to support an implant, or other health issues, such as gum disease, may need to be treated first. These patients will benefit most from dentures or dental bridges, which do not require surgery.

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