Friday, June 5, 2015

Use of Oral Appliances in Treatment of Sleep Apnea

The first treatment option for sleep apnea is positive airway pressure. With this treatment, the airway is kept open using air pressure that is administered through a mask placed over the nose or nose and mouth. While the treatment is effective, it can be uncomfortable for many. If you cannot tolerate positive airway pressure therapy, you may be a good candidate for oral appliances.

More than 80 different styles of sleep apnea oral devices are available, but they largely work in one of two different ways. One style moves the lower jaw to a position that helps open the airways. The other style prevents the tongue from falling into the back of the mouth in such a way that the airway is blocked. These mouthpieces are customized to fit you and are usually easy to use. Most people adapt quickly and find that they are able to get a better night’s sleep when using their appliances as prescribed. Some patients may need to use the oral appliance with the positive airway pressure machine, also. This is usually needed only in more complex cases.

Oral sleep apnea appliances are not available over the counter and should only be fitted by a qualified sleep doctor. Call us to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our expert in sleep apnea oral appliances in Thousand Oaks. 

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