Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Black Gums and Treatments to Improve Them

Something as simple as a smile can transform the way you look at the world and how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown that smiles are associated with positive feelings, as we tend to react more positively towards a person who is smiling. If dark gums are hiding your smile from the world, now is the time to create and unveil a new smile.

We offer dark gums treatments that can eliminate the dark or stained tissues. This procedure begins with a careful evaluation of your gums and dental health to ensure they are healthy enough to undergo cosmetic treatments. If you have any untreated gum disease, this will need to be addressed before you can proceed with the treatment. If you are a candidate for gum bleaching, we will then apply a special bleaching solution to the affected tissues. This solution gently lightens stains and discolored tissues.

A gentle dermabrasion procedure may also be appropriate. This removes the discolorations and exposes the natural pink tissues. Not all treatments are right for every patient, but we can find the right gum lightening solution for you. You could be leaving with smooth, pink gums that highlight your smile today. Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment for your black gums treatment.

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