Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Issues with Veneers

Veneers are a long-lasting way to make dramatic changes to your smile. They are attached to the fronts of the teeth after a small layer of enamel is removed, making them a permanent restoration. Each veneer is fully customized to the exact size, shape and color specifications the patient needs and wants.

This permanence is both one of the biggest advantages and biggest disadvantages of porcelain veneers. They can last for many years, but if they fail, they will need to be replaced. Unfortunately, the outer layer of the tooth that has been removed cannot be put back, and patients will need to get new veneers.

Other issues with veneers are rare. Veneers that have been properly crafted can last 15 years or more. However, a veneer that is made with a poor quality material or improperly bonded can develop stains or discolorations. Chipping, cracking, fractures and premature failure can occur if you bite your nails, use your teeth to open packages, grind your teeth or have other potentially damaging habits. Call us to learn more about getting the most out of your veneers or to schedule an appointment with our expert in dental veneer in Los Angeles.

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