Thursday, June 25, 2015

How Dental Bonding is Applied

A dental bonding is a minor procedure that can be used to fill small cavities or to repair a chipped, fractured or stained tooth. It is one of the fastest and most affordable cosmetic treatments, and can be a great option for making minor cosmetic changes, or for fixing small areas of damage. Our West Hollywood cosmetic dentists can help you decide if dental bonding is right for you.

1.  Choosing the right color
We use a shade guide to find just the right color composite to match your tooth. This ensures the most attractive results.

2.  Preparing the tooth
If decay is present, it is first removed. Then the surface of the tooth is roughened, and a conditioning liquid is applied to prime the surface and ensure a strong bond.

3.  Bonding application
The resin has a moldable texture like putty, and we apply it in thin layers, shaping it as we go. Once we have completed the restoration, we harden the bonding material using a special light. The material is trimmed, polished and perfected so that it blends seamlessly into your smile.

Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our expert in dental bonding in West Hollywood.

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