Thursday, June 18, 2015

Typical Cost of Gum Bleaching

Several things can affect the cost of gum bleaching. The degree, depth and location of the discolorations are among the biggest factors. We may also need to determine the cause of the gum discoloration and if there are other factors contributing to the problem. For the best results, your gums should be healthy and free of gum disease.

In many cases, black gums are simply a natural variation due to genetic factors. Those with naturally darker skin have more melanin in their skin, and this can carry over to the gums, as well. Dark gums can also occur as a result of smoking, systemic conditions, metal restorations or the use of certain medications. While the gum discoloration may not be a dental health issue, it can make you feel uncomfortable with the look of your smile. With our gum bleaching procedure option, your gums can be permanently lighter. Our team will provide a nicely colored background against which your teeth can shine brightly.

During the procedure, a topical numbing paste will be applied to ensure your comfort before the bleaching solution is used. Some patients may benefit from an additional dermabrasion or minor surgical procedure to create a more flattering appearance. Call us today to learn more about gum bleaching, the gum bleaching cost or to schedule an appointment with our team.

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