Monday, April 3, 2017

Dental Lumineers and Their Cost

If you’re comparison-shopping for dental veneers, you may already know the difference between traditional veneers and the ultra-thin kind, like Lumineers. While there are competing brands even in the ultra-thin category, Lumineers are the thinnest currently in production and have an excellent marketing campaign behind them.

However, if you’re hoping for a quick decision based on cost, the price difference between kinds of Lumineers is not drastic. Since veneers are priced per tooth, and since most patients only place between 4 and 8 veneers, quotes will be slight variations on a theme.

One thing to consider is location. If you live somewhere expensive, especially somewhere with a lot of demand for cosmetic dentistry, you may find the dental Lumineers cost to be cheaper across state lines. In addition, dentists with plenty of experience placing Lumineers are happy to charge for it.

Another consideration is the lifetime of your Lumineers. The product consistently lasts 20 years or longer, but no dental restoration can be expected to last forever. Depending on your age and accounting for incidentals, you should budget for replacement Lumineers.

If you have questions about Lumineers, financially or otherwise, feel free to contact our Los Angeles Lumineers expert.

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