Monday, April 24, 2017

What are Inlays and Onlays?

Restorative treatments are possibly the most useful and necessary of the dentistry field. They are needed due to physical damage that can suddenly occur or develop over time. These include worn enamel, chips, cracks, and cavities. Some of these issues can be corrected with inlays and onlays.

Inlays and onlays are indirect fillings. Like traditional direct fillings, they are used to fill in a hollow space in a tooth. However, whereas traditional fillings are created in the teeth, indirect fillings are first created, then placed. Inlays are fillings that go inside of the tooth, and onlays are those that are placed on the cusps, or top of the teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Orange County will remove the decayed tissue, create a model of the affected tooth, and then place your custom porcelain restoration.

Patients and dentists alike prefer inlays and onlays to direct fillings for several reasons. Indirect fillings tend to fit better thanks to how they are made, and therefore require less follow up appointments to make adjustments for comfort. They also are known to be more durable and resilient, offering a more healthy restoration overall. 

If you require a dental filling, talk to our dentist about the possibility and benefits of inlays and onlays. 

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