Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Reasons for Having a Dental Extraction

Dental extraction, or tooth removal, is a very common procedure. Patients may have teeth extracted in many situations and receive a variety of benefits in the process. Below, you can learn about some of the reasons extracting a tooth may be necessary.

Severe Damage

Extensive damage to teeth or gums can make repair impossible. While tooth decay and physical trauma are among causes of severe tooth damage, gum disease can destroy the tissues that secure the teeth in place.

Patient Preference

Patients sometimes have the option for repair but prefer extraction instead. Extraction can be performed quickly in a single appointment, and can also be more affordable compared to alternatives, such as root canal.

Orthodontic Reasons

When patients are getting ready for orthodontic care at our dental office, they may need to have teeth removed beforehand. This may be done to make room for movement of teeth or to prevent bite irregularities from emerging during normal development.

Extraction is made easier with anesthesia and sedation for eligible patients. After having teeth removed, patients may be offered one or more replacement options, such as dental implants. Patients can schedule a consultation with our expert in dental extraction in Boyle Heights to learn more about how this procedure is performed.

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