Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Dental Treatments for Children

Dental care for children is similar to treatment for adults in many ways. However, certain procedures may offer extra benefits to patients during childhood, when the teeth and gums undergo rapid growth. Here are some of the treatments children may receive depending on their oral health and risk factors.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, is valued for its beneficial effects on teeth. Although fluoride is commonly added to tap water supplies and toothpastes, some patients benefit from extra fluoride. In addition to applying fluoride in our dental office, our dentist may prescribe products with the mineral for convenient use at home.


Sealants are clear plastic varnishes painted over teeth to form a barrier against cavities. Often used in vulnerable areas, such as crevices, sealants can last for years before re-application becomes necessary. Having sealants applied can also save patients money by reducing their risks of needing fillings or other restorations later.

Like adults, children may need a variety of restorations, such as fillings. Our dentist offers restorations in tooth-colored versions for a smile-friendly result. Dental sedation is also available for eligible children with anxiety, movement disorders, or other needs. At a consultation with our dentist for children in Houston parents can learn more about treatments that kids can receive at our office.

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