Monday, January 23, 2017

How Invisalign Works

Orthodontic treatment works by applying physiological forces to teeth. With braces, the teeth are pulled in a specific direction. With Invisalign aligners, the teeth are instead pushed in a specific direction. The end results are a straight smile and balanced bite. Our Huntington Beach cosmetic dentist can explain the Invisalign process at your consultation.

Once we determine your candidacy, we will create a comprehensive treatment plan. This plan is based on a 3D model of your teeth. We plan each movement of the teeth in order to create the aligner trays. The aligner trays move teeth separately and just a fraction of a millimeter at a time. You will need more aligner trays and longer treatment if your teeth need to move greater distances than patients whose teeth only need to move a little bit.

Every two weeks, you will switch aligners so that your teeth will keep moving. You will need to wear your aligners the appropriate amount of time to maintain steady pressure. Once active treatment is complete, you will move into the retention phase of treatment, in which you will wear Invisalign retainers to maintain your results. Call our Invisalign dentist in Huntington Beach today to learn more or to schedule your appointment.

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