Monday, September 26, 2016

What is Sleep Dentistry?

Sleep dentistry, also called sedation dentistry, is the practice of providing different types of sedatives during treatment to ease the experience. While anxious patients often benefit from the relaxing effects of sedation, others, such as patients with certain neurological disorders, benefit from the muscle relaxation it provides. Here is a look at the three major types of dental sedation.

Inhaled Sedation

This consists of a mixture of air and nitrous oxide, which patients inhale through a tube during treatment. The gas offers immediate relaxation and mild anesthesia, and wears off rapidly afterwards, allowing patients the ability to drive right away.

Oral Sedation

Stronger than inhaled sedation, this option entails giving patients a sedative pill to take before treatment starts. The effects do last long after treatment is finished, so a ride home is required.

IV Sedation

This is the heaviest sedation option and offers effects most similar to sleep. Administered into a vein, IV sedation comes in two levels: deep sedation, which is not quite sleep, and general anesthesia, from which patients cannot be awakened until the anesthesia is stopped. Like oral sedation, this requires patients to have a ride arranged for afterwards.

Most patients are eligible for sedation dentistry, but medical history and an exam may be necessary to confirm candidacy. Patients can contact our dentist in East LA to schedule a consultation and learn more about our sedation options.

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