Modern dental sedation includes multiple options: inhaled sedation, oral sedation, and IV sedation. Different ones are appropriate for different procedures, and candidacy can vary between patients. Here are the options provided by our East Los Angeles dentist.
Inhaled Sedation
Also known as laughing gas, this involves the inhalation a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide. Strong relaxation and mild analgesia starts quickly when the gas flow starts. These sensations will end soon after the gas flow is stopped, allowing patients to drive themselves home soon afterwards. This is the mildest sedation choice and is often used for less intensive procedures.
Oral Sedation
With this option, patients take an oral sedative pill shortly before their procedure begins. Effects typically include relaxation and drowsiness, and can last long after the procedure ends, so patients will need to arrange for a ride home. Oral sedation may be recommended for a variety of procedures.
IV Sedation
The deepest dental sedation is provided through the IV type, which starts quickly. It also requires a ride home afterwards. Because of its intensity, IV sedation is generally used for longer or more complex treatments.
Depending on the patient and the procedure, more than one type of sedation may be offered. Patients can schedule a consultation with our expert in sedation dentistry in East Los Angeles to find out more about our sedation options.
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