Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Common Orthodontic Treatment Options

Although metal braces are very visible, they also are versatile and can correct the widest variety of issues. Furthermore, metal braces are often more affordable than alternatives.

Lingual Braces

These are constructed like metal braces, but are attached behind the teeth. This makes lingual braces preferable for patients who value discretion. Due to their placement, lingual braces also will not abrade the inner cheeks as metal braces can.

Ceramic Braces

These braces use metal wires but ceramic brackets, which are tinted like teeth to make them less visible. With this popular option, self-ligating brackets can also be used for more comfort and faster treatment.

Clear Braces

Invisalign is the most popular type of clear braces. These use removable aligners made of clear plastic for virtual invisibility. Clear braces treatment is faster and more comfortable than alternatives, but candidacy is slightly more restrictive.

In addition to these common options, our dentist also offers some specialized orthodontics with a variety of benefits. You can schedule a consultation with our San Francisco orthodontist to find out which braces will work best for you.

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