Thursday, September 1, 2016

Uses of Full Dental Implants

You might be surprised to learn that 178 million Americans are currently missing at least one tooth, and thirty-five million have lost all of the teeth in their mouth. If you are one of the individuals that fall into the latter category, our Los Angeles dental implant expert is here to help you restore your smile and dental health. The benefits of full dental implants are multiple. You can read about them below.


Due to how the implants are placed, patients receive artificial teeth that are just as strong and stable as their other, natural teeth. Titanium posts are inserted into the jawbone and given time to heal and fuse. This means that the implants are just as much a part of the bone as the other teeth.

Bone tissue regrowth

Missing teeth not only have negative effects on your look, but on your oral health, as well. The lack of tooth can cause the tissue of the jawbone resorb, making this area weaker and affecting the shape of the facial structure. Replacing these teeth not only stops resorption, but actually reverses the process.


Missing one tooth can have a huge effect on the look of your smile, and therefore the whole face. So missing all of the teeth has even more of an impact on your look. Getting full dental implants can make you look happy and healthy again.

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