Thursday, September 3, 2015

When are Dental Bridges a Better Option?

Dental bridges stand alongside implants as stable alternatives to dentures for tooth replacement. Although implants are often acclaimed as the best way to replace teeth, bridges can still be preferable in certain cases.

The stability of bridges prevents the slipping and clicking that are sometimes associated with removable dentures. But, when are bridges better than implants? Unlike implants, which require sufficient jawbone mass, crown-supported bridges depend only on stable adjacent teeth. Choosing bridges from our dentist in West Hollywood eliminates the need for bone grafting, which many patients require in order to get implants. Whereas implant placement is performed over a period of time up to nine months depending on the healing time, bridge placement can be completed within weeks, because the procedure does not involve surgery. In the end, bridges can be a more affordable alternative to implants for budget-conscious patients.

Bridge placement involves one appointment for preparation and another for placement. With proper care, including attentive brushing and flossing and regular checkups, bridges can be expected to last for decades. Implant-supported bridges can be a hybrid option for patients who lack healthy remaining teeth or prefer to avoid the cost of several implants. At a consultation with our expert in dental bridges in West Hollywood, patients can find out whether bridges are the best option for them.

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