While symptoms of daytime sleepiness and chronic snoring can be an indicator for your partner that you may suffer from sleep apnea, further tests during a sleep study is the only way to truly diagnose you.
At a consultation with our expert in sleep apnea test in Los Angeles, they will most likely schedule a polysomnogram, or overnight sleep study, to better review your symptoms and sleep complications. You will be sent to a sleep lab and given a private room, where you will be hooked up to a variety of sensors and equipment. They will then test your bodily functions through a central monitoring room. If this is too uncomfortable for you, then our sleep apnea doctor may provide you with portable equipment for a home sleep study instead.
Diagnosing sleep apnea and its’ severity is defined by the number of breathing pauses per hour of sleep that can lead to low blood oxygen levels, among other variables. While you are asleep, the sleep physician will record your brain waves, heartbeat, breathing patterns, leg and arm movements, and blood oxygen levels.
Here are some of the specific tests that will be done during your sleep study.
• EEG, or electroencephalogram, measures and records brain wave activity.
• EMG, or electromyogram, records facial muscle activity to determine REM, or deep, stage sleeping
• EOG, electro-oculogram, records eye movement to determine REM sleep, also.
• ECG, or electrocardiogram, records heart rate and rhythm.
• Nasal Airway Sensor records the amount of airflow in sleep.
• Snore Microphone to record the intensity of the snoring activity.
The most crucial data needed to diagnose sleep apnea is the apnea-hypopnea index, or AHI, which includes the complete cessation of breathing and the amount of constriction in each breathe. They will also take note of any other conditions that could be contributing or mimicking the symptoms of sleep apnea. For example, other sleep disorders, mental health disorders, substance and medication abuse, and other medical conditions could be contributing to your sleep apnea.
If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, starting treatment right away is important in decreasing the serious health risks associated with it. If your sleep apnea happens to be mild to moderate, schedule an appointment with our Los Angeles oral appliance for sleep apnea provider to look into possible mouth guards for nighttime treatment.
If you think you may be a candidate for dentures, schedule a consult with our North Hollywood dentists.
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