Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pros and Cons of Dentures

Growing older does not necessarily mean that you are going to lose more of your teeth than you normally would. If you practice poor oral hygiene or have been involved in an accident, your chances may be increased, though. Let us take a look at some pros and cons of dentures.


The biggest advantage of dentures is that they tend to be the cheapest option for replacing several or all of your teeth. Another big perk with dentures is that they will improve your aesthetic appearance. Having no teeth at all or several missing teeth can make it very hard on your self-esteem, but dentures will remove this issue. They also offer additional support to the lip and facial muscles, which can help prevent your face from sinking in as a result of tooth loss.


Probably the biggest con with dentures is that they are not permanently fixed into your mouth. They ultimately require the use of dental adhesives to stick to the gums, and these are not always effective. Dentures can make eating and speaking challenging, as well. Our West Hollywood dentist also warns that, if proper care is not taken of your dentures, they can cause significant harm to your gums and any remaining teeth.

If you are wondering if dentures are the best option for you, contact our expert in dentures in West Hollywood to set up a consultation.

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