Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blanqueamiento de Dientes para las Personas con Dientes Sensibles

Un blanqueamiento dental es un procedimiento en el que se abren los poros de los dientes para permitir que la solución especial para blanquear para penetrar en el interior de la estructura del diente. Como la solución se descompone, se blanquea las manchas en la dentina y el esmalte. Aunque blanqueamiento es extremadamente eficaz, también puede aumentar la sensibilidad durante unos pocos días. Si sus dientes son naturalmente sensibles, entonces evitando blanquear los dientes pueden sonar como una buena idea. Sin embargo, nuestro experto en blanqueamiento de dientes en Van Nuys puede ayudar incluso a los pacientes con dientes sensibles a encontrar una solución para blanquear los que trabaja para ellos.

Blanqueamiento profesional es generalmente la opción más recomendable para las personas con dientes sensibles. Tratamientos profesionales pueden ser afinados para satisfacer específicamente sus necesidades. Dentro de la oficina de los procedimientos son monitoreados estrechamente con el fin de maximizar el grado de blanqueamiento al tiempo que reduce el riesgo de sensibilidad post blanqueamiento. En el hogar tratamientos profesionales también se pueden personalizar para un título.

¿Cómo te las arreglas los dientes antes y después de su tratamiento de blanqueamiento también puede jugar un papel en la cantidad de sensibilidad post blanqueamiento experimenta. Podemos recomendar el uso de una crema dental desensibilizante por alrededor de una semana o dos antes de su tratamiento. También podemos sugerir una aplicación de flúor inmediatamente después de su tratamiento. Estos dos pasos pueden aumentar drásticamente su nivel de comodidad y reducir el riesgo de sensibilidad.

La sensibilidad es por lo general debido al esmalte desgastado o raíces expuestas, pero también puede ser causada por una grieta, la cavidad o restauración dañado. Se recomienda una evaluación dental completa antes de proceder con el blanqueamiento con el fin de reducir el riesgo de complicaciones. Llámenos para obtener más información o para programar su cita.

Monday, September 28, 2015

How Do Black Gums Look?

Black gums are not necessarily black. The term “black gum” refers to a condition in which too much melanin is present in the gum tissue. Although the gums can take on a black color, they may also look brown, gray or purple. Some people have the discolorations covering their gum tissue, while others have spots or streaks of darker color on their gums. If you have black gum tissue, you may wonder what options are available.

We encourage potential patients to check out our black gums pictures. These images show real patients who have undergone gum lightening treatments. These treatments are designed to remove superficial discolorations, as well as the melanin-producing cells to leave your gums looking pink, bright and attractive. We can treat patients with just a few spots of discolorations, as well as those with more widespread stains and dark patches.

Healthy gums are critical for a successful outcome. The procedure takes place during a single appointment. We may apply a topical numbing gel to eliminate any discomfort before applying the special bleaching solution and performing the dermabrasion. Once your treatment is complete, your gums will be free of dark tissue for life. Call us to learn more about black gums and their treatments or to schedule an appointment with our team.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Purpose of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is the placement of a specially tinted cement on the teeth in order to repair damage and conceal flaws. With a variety of applications, bonding is commonly used in both restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Here is a look at its main purposes.

Cosmetic Purposes

In cosmetic dentistry, our East Los Angeles dentist may apply bonding to hide cracks, chips and stains, as well as to reshape teeth and eliminate gaps. Bonding can be particularly valuable when stains are internal or too heavy for teeth whitening to work. As it is fast and inexpensive, bonding can even be used as an alternative to veneers and crowns in some cases.

Restorative Purposes

For restorative purposes, bonding can be used to repair teeth in several situations. When teeth have been broken, bonding will prevent erosion from occurring at newly vulnerable sites. Tooth roots uncovered by receding gums can be bonded to guard against decay and sensitivity. As an alternative to metal fillings, bonding can also be used to create tooth-colored fillings.

Bonding often lasts for about three years with proper care, including daily brushing and flossing and regular checkups. If bonding becomes discolored over time, it can be replaced by our expert in dental bonding in East Los Angeles. At a consultation with our dentist, patients can learn more about the purposes for which bonding is used.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Braces Compared to Invisalign

Comparing conventional braces and Invisalign treatment is not as simple as placing a finger and choosing. Each option can help you in different directions, sometimes literally. However, the first essential to understand is that braces are orthodontic, while Invisalign is mainly cosmetic.

You do not need to disregard the minor orthodontic aspects of Invisalign to state the advantage braces have in this field. Invisalign is able to lightly improve bite issues and problems of crowding or spacing. Orthodontists are advanced dentists whose whole specialty is in the treatment of all forms of orthodontic cases, where complex cases often just use braces. Braces are sophisticated orthodontics, and they put several factors into play while straightening your teeth. In addition, braces must be accommodated nutritionally, as opposed to the Invisalign aligners, which you simply take out before eating.

Invisalign involves a shorter treatment period, and requires the patient to be consistently interactive. In fact, Invisalign does not run itself, but is only done through the patient’s willingness. You must wear the aligners for at least 22 hours per day, as well as the trays must be cleaned diligently before replacing them in your mouth.

Our expert in braces in Burbank will make you a recommendation based on your dental needs. If she believes you may benefit from a more radical restructuring due to severe malocclusion, then she may advise braces over Invisalign. Though, if your teeth require mild straightening and nothing much deeper, Invisalign may be for you.

For more information on the differences between braces and Invisalign, contact our dentist in Burbank.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tests That Diagnose Sleep Apnea

While symptoms of daytime sleepiness and chronic snoring can be an indicator for your partner that you may suffer from sleep apnea, further tests during a sleep study is the only way to truly diagnose you.

At a consultation with our expert in sleep apnea test in Los Angeles, they will most likely schedule a polysomnogram, or overnight sleep study, to better review your symptoms and sleep complications. You will be sent to a sleep lab and given a private room, where you will be hooked up to a variety of sensors and equipment. They will then test your bodily functions through a central monitoring room. If this is too uncomfortable for you, then our sleep apnea doctor may provide you with portable equipment for a home sleep study instead.

Diagnosing sleep apnea and its’ severity is defined by the number of breathing pauses per hour of sleep that can lead to low blood oxygen levels, among other variables. While you are asleep, the sleep physician will record your brain waves, heartbeat, breathing patterns, leg and arm movements, and blood oxygen levels.

Here are some of the specific tests that will be done during your sleep study.

•    EEG, or electroencephalogram, measures and records brain wave activity.
•    EMG, or electromyogram, records facial muscle activity to determine REM, or deep, stage sleeping
•    EOG, electro-oculogram, records eye movement to determine REM sleep, also.
•    ECG, or electrocardiogram, records heart rate and rhythm.
•    Nasal Airway Sensor records the amount of airflow in sleep.
•    Snore Microphone to record the intensity of the snoring activity.

The most crucial data needed to diagnose sleep apnea is the apnea-hypopnea index, or AHI, which includes the complete cessation of breathing and the amount of constriction in each breathe. They will also take note of any other conditions that could be contributing or mimicking the symptoms of sleep apnea. For example, other sleep disorders, mental health disorders, substance and medication abuse, and other medical conditions could be contributing to your sleep apnea.
If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, starting treatment right away is important in decreasing the serious health risks associated with it. If your sleep apnea happens to be mild to moderate, schedule an appointment with our Los Angeles oral appliance for sleep apnea provider to look into possible mouth guards for nighttime treatment.
If you think you may be a candidate for dentures, schedule a consult with our North Hollywood dentists.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Are Dental Implants the Best Option for Me?

For anyone that has lost a tooth or several teeth, dental implants are a great restorative option and are considered the gold star in restoration. One of the many reasons for this is because they look just like your natural teeth. Also, they are strong and durable, allowing the patient to continue eating the foods that they love. Especially for patients that have lost all of their teeth, there are many advantages that dental implants have over dentures. Though, how can you tell if you are a good candidate for dental implants?
Anybody who is in good general health and good dental health can be considered a candidate for dental implants. This is because sufficient bone tissue and strong-enough gums are needed in order to support the implant. If you are suffering from bone loss or gum disease, you may still qualify if your underlying conditions are successfully treated beforehand.
Our cosmetic dentist in West Hollywood wishes to point out, though, that there are certain instances in which dental implants may not be an option. People who have issues with smoking or alcohol are not considered good candidates. Also, if you suffer from systemic conditions, such as cancer or uncontrolled diabetes, then you may not qualify for dental implants.
The first step in seeing if dental implants are the best option for you is to be evaluated by a medical professional. If you are interested in pursuing dental implants as a restorative option, call our expert in dental implants in West Hollywood to set up a consultation.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pros and Cons of Dentures

Growing older does not necessarily mean that you are going to lose more of your teeth than you normally would. If you practice poor oral hygiene or have been involved in an accident, your chances may be increased, though. Let us take a look at some pros and cons of dentures.


The biggest advantage of dentures is that they tend to be the cheapest option for replacing several or all of your teeth. Another big perk with dentures is that they will improve your aesthetic appearance. Having no teeth at all or several missing teeth can make it very hard on your self-esteem, but dentures will remove this issue. They also offer additional support to the lip and facial muscles, which can help prevent your face from sinking in as a result of tooth loss.


Probably the biggest con with dentures is that they are not permanently fixed into your mouth. They ultimately require the use of dental adhesives to stick to the gums, and these are not always effective. Dentures can make eating and speaking challenging, as well. Our West Hollywood dentist also warns that, if proper care is not taken of your dentures, they can cause significant harm to your gums and any remaining teeth.

If you are wondering if dentures are the best option for you, contact our expert in dentures in West Hollywood to set up a consultation.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Qualifications of Doctors Who Treat Sleep Apnea

With sleep apnea, properly determining the cause and the most effective treatment for you can only be done by a qualified sleep specialist. Sleep specialists are defined as doctors who diagnose and treat people who have sleep problems. Yet, there are a number of sleep specialists that come from a variety of medical backgrounds. A number of lung specialists, otolaryngologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, dentists, and even primary care physicians have special training in sleep disorders.

The first step recommended in determining if you have sleep apnea is by reviewing your known symptoms with your primary care physician. By previously keeping a sleep diary that consists of when you went to sleep, how often you wake up, and how you feel when you are awake, a more thorough exam can be done with your doctor. Having your doctor look over any previous health concerns or other over-looked symptoms in your medical history will help patients prepare for a quick diagnosis and determine if a sleep study is needed. Seeking a recommendation from your primary doctor will also improve the chances of coverage from your insurance company.

While your general doctor can evaluate and discuss your sleep apnea symptoms, a sleep specialist is needed to perform a sleep study. A sleep study will help determine the underlying cause of the sleep apnea, review all of your nightly symptoms, and effectively treat it altogether.

A sleep study is given in a sleep center, where a team of specialists record your body’s movements and functioning rates as you sleep. A number of sensors are attached to your face, scalp, chest, limbs and fingers in order to record the body’s sleep efforts. Records of the heart rate, blood oxygen levels, breathing patterns, eye and muscle movement and more is done throughout the night. While a home sleep study can be performed for those uncomfortable in a sleep center, a proper diagnosis is only given be professionals.

For more information on treating your sleep apnea or to make an appointment, contact our sleep apnea doctor in Pasadena.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

When Dental Extraction is a Necessity

Most dental cases can utilize a range of procedures toward restoring or enhancing problem teeth. However, there are outcomes that involve losing a tooth. These should not be seen as traumas, as a tooth is almost always extracted to provide relief. The following are some instances where our Northridge dentists suggest dental extraction may be required.

•    Extreme injury. Car accidents or sports mishaps are common causes of facial injury, which can leave teeth too severely damaged to save.

•    Extreme infection. Often a tooth deteriorates to the point of abscess, which can spread to other parts of the body. If a root canal is deemed inappropriate, the tooth may be extracted.

•    Wisdom teeth or third molars. The last four teeth to appear, or erupt into, the mouth are the back molars. These are typically associated with the period between late adolescence and early adulthood. These teeth can become easily impacted, or they can crowd existing teeth, causing discomfort. Although there is some dispute about whether or not it should be taken for granted, extracting wisdom teeth has imperatively become standard procedure.

Again, dental extraction is perfectly safe and can lead to a risk-free mouth. For more information on dental extraction, contact our expert in dental extraction in Northridge.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

When are Dental Bridges a Better Option?

Dental bridges stand alongside implants as stable alternatives to dentures for tooth replacement. Although implants are often acclaimed as the best way to replace teeth, bridges can still be preferable in certain cases.

The stability of bridges prevents the slipping and clicking that are sometimes associated with removable dentures. But, when are bridges better than implants? Unlike implants, which require sufficient jawbone mass, crown-supported bridges depend only on stable adjacent teeth. Choosing bridges from our dentist in West Hollywood eliminates the need for bone grafting, which many patients require in order to get implants. Whereas implant placement is performed over a period of time up to nine months depending on the healing time, bridge placement can be completed within weeks, because the procedure does not involve surgery. In the end, bridges can be a more affordable alternative to implants for budget-conscious patients.

Bridge placement involves one appointment for preparation and another for placement. With proper care, including attentive brushing and flossing and regular checkups, bridges can be expected to last for decades. Implant-supported bridges can be a hybrid option for patients who lack healthy remaining teeth or prefer to avoid the cost of several implants. At a consultation with our expert in dental bridges in West Hollywood, patients can find out whether bridges are the best option for them.