Everything you eat must first go through your mouth. While you may assume that this means that food and beverages take a toll on your teeth, the truth is that some foods can have extremely positive effects on your teeth. What should you be adding to your diet to boost your smile health?
1. Cheese
Cheese is high in calcium and is good for your bones, including your teeth. Yet, that is not the only thing that makes it a tooth-friendly choice. Cheese helps neutralize the acids from plaque bacteria, which can help prevent enamel erosion. It also stimulates saliva production, which rinses away debris and bacteria.
2. Tea
Add a tall glass of iced tea to your meals or enjoy a warm cup of hot tea in the morning. Both green and black teas are rich sources of polyphenols, which combat oral bacteria. One study found that rinsing with black tea several times a day can even reduce the amount and stickiness of oral plaque.
3. Crunchy apples, carrots, cucumbers, celery and pears
These crunchy fruits and vegetables offer a lot of benefits for your teeth. First of all, they help mechanically scrub your teeth, which is handy when a toothbrush isn’t nearby. Second, they also stimulate saliva flow, which rinses the plaque and bacteria away.
4. Sugar-free gum
Chewing gum after eating can sweeten your breath, and it can also help neutralize oral acids through the power of saliva production. Make sure your gum is sugarless, though, as regular gum can have the opposite effect and increase the risk of cavities.
Call us to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Westlake Village.
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