Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Holistic Dentistry and Its Advantages

Holistic dentistry emphasizes treatment of the whole patient rather than focusing on just their immediate symptoms. Through a variety of non-toxic procedures, our dentist resolves oral health problems in ways that are sustainable for long-term wellness. Here is more about holistic dentistry and the benefits it offers.

General Advantages of Holistic Dentistry
While holistic dentistry addresses oral health problems naturally and comprehensively, it does these things without complicating treatment. Using non-toxic alternatives to more common materials can give patients better results, and it can save the health and money of patients in the long term. Prevention is emphasized over simply needing cures, which is used for empowering patients to better avoid tooth decay, gum disease and associated complications. When treatment is necessary, procedures are chosen with respect to the overall health of the individual rather than only as a solution to their immediate symptoms.

Examples of Holistic Dentistry in Action

The use of tooth-colored fillings rather than mercury amalgam fillings is one focus of holistic dentistry. Not only does this material lack the toxicity and unsightly appearance of mercury, but it also requires less removal of tooth structure and better preserves treated teeth over time. For patients who already have metal fillings, our dentist offers removal and replacement with composite material.

Obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by orofacial problems, making it ideal for treatment with holistic dentistry. A variety of treatments can resolve the problem without causing the discomfort and inconvenience of conventional CPAP treatment. Besides oral appliances that keep the jaw and tongue from blocking the airway during sleep, soft tissue surgery can be performed to widen the airway permanently.

Holistic dental care is a future-oriented approach to oral health that also supports the overall well-being of the patient. Through a selection of specialized procedures, our dentist gives patients beautiful smiles with consideration for their long-term health. At a consultation with our Agoura Hills holistic dentist, patients can learn more about available holistic options and their benefits.

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