Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Is Invisalign More Comfortable than Braces?

For patients searching for an orthodontic treatment, pain and irritation are often a topic of concern. Traditional braces are known to cause some discomfort when they are adjusted and your teeth begin to shift. The standard metal brackets can also cause irritation when they rub against gums for the first few weeks. Patients looking to avoid the discomfort caused by typical braces are often benefited by discrete options, such as Invisalign.

Invisalign is a tooth straightening system that uses clear, plastic aligner trays. During this treatment, tray sets are changed approximately every two weeks. Patients undergoing Invisalign treatment are expected to wear their trays for at least 22 hours a day. As far as comfort, the Invisalign system is less painful than regular braces, and for some people, completely pain-free. When your teeth first shift, you may experience mild tenderness, but there is no source of bracket irritation. Similarly, you will have no problem eating the foods you love because the alignment trays are removed prior to mealtime. Overall, many patients find Invisalign to be a more effective system for straightening because they are nearly invisible, easy to clean, and do not impact a standard dental hygiene routine.

If you want to learn more about this orthodontic method, our Invisalign Provider can answer any questions you may have.

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