Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Dentists Recommend Invisalign

As far as teeth straightening methods, Invisalign presents numerous advantages over other orthodontic practices. However, it can be tricky to determine which orthodontic treatment is best for your specific needs. Our expert in Invisalign in San Fernando Valley will help you consider several major factors to determine if Invisalign is right for you. 

First to consider, the Invisalign system gives teens and adults the ability to straighten their teeth without coworkers or peers even noticing—a major positive for people who are self-conscious at the thought of large metal brackets being placed on their teeth. Likewise, with Invisalign, you can remove your plastic aligner trays before meals and do not have to worry about any damage to your appliance. Orthodontic treatment is a major investment, so it is important that you are happy with your final results. Invisalign gives patients complete control of their orthodontic journey. Patients with Invisalign do not have to change their dental hygiene routine or concern themselves about hidden plaque build-up.

If you can commit to wearing your aligner trays for at least 22 hours a day, you are most likely a strong candidate for Invisalign. Talk to our dentist to discuss any questions you may have, or to set up a consultation. 

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