Monday, August 28, 2017

Explaining Invisalign Express

Invisalign uses thermoplastic technology to straighten teeth in near-invisibility. The program contrasts with traditional braces both in visuals and in patient comfort. Invisalign requires no brackets or archwires, and doesn’t interfere with your diet. 

Invisalign and braces often line up in terms of treatment length. However, a spinoff product called Invisalign Express can treat patients faster. While basic Invisalign requires 20 to 30 aligners, Invisalign Express requires 10 or fewer. The only requirement is a less severe case 

Here are some numbers that explain Invisalign Express qualifications:  
Patient must have no more than 2mm of spacing or crowding per arch 
Patient must need no more than 1.5mm of dental expansion per arch 
Patient must need no more than 2mm of midline correction 

These technical terms are best visualized by taking any number of online smile assessment tests. If you questions about your Invisalign Express candidacy, just ask your Beverly Hills Invisalign doctor

Invisalign Express is extremely effective for adult patients who may have had orthodontic work as teens, but have experienced dental relapse. It’s very common for teeth to lag toward their old positions, especially if you don’t wear your retainer as directed. 

Call our office today. 

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