Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Relief For TMJ Pain

It can be incredibly bothersome dealing with the ratcheting, clacking, and popping of one’s jaw. Even worse is when pain or discomfort accompanies it. If any individual experiences clicking or aches in the jaw or mouth area, then more often than not they have TMJ. A temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ, can arise when the joint, which acts like a sliding hinge connecting your jawbone to your skull, is injured or damaged. The causes can vary, from misalignment of the teeth, injury, arthritis, stress, and the grinding of teeth. What can’t be overlooked are the health risks that this disorder imposes. 

Finding relief is of the utmost importance. Any good TMJ dentist will verify that. Older age groups are usually far more affected by this disorder, but it can occur in anyone, at any time. Finding relief for TMJ comes in several different forms. Visiting a dentist may be the most immediate and effective way. Prosthodontics, mouth guards, and splints can also help in relieving that pain. Physical therapy can bring a lot of relief, as it will strengthen and give more pliability to the mouth. Even something as simple as relaxation exercises can change how people deal with stress, and thus reduce the tension they carry in their jaw.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Explaining Invisalign Express

Invisalign uses thermoplastic technology to straighten teeth in near-invisibility. The program contrasts with traditional braces both in visuals and in patient comfort. Invisalign requires no brackets or archwires, and doesn’t interfere with your diet. 

Invisalign and braces often line up in terms of treatment length. However, a spinoff product called Invisalign Express can treat patients faster. While basic Invisalign requires 20 to 30 aligners, Invisalign Express requires 10 or fewer. The only requirement is a less severe case 

Here are some numbers that explain Invisalign Express qualifications:  
Patient must have no more than 2mm of spacing or crowding per arch 
Patient must need no more than 1.5mm of dental expansion per arch 
Patient must need no more than 2mm of midline correction 

These technical terms are best visualized by taking any number of online smile assessment tests. If you questions about your Invisalign Express candidacy, just ask your Beverly Hills Invisalign doctor

Invisalign Express is extremely effective for adult patients who may have had orthodontic work as teens, but have experienced dental relapse. It’s very common for teeth to lag toward their old positions, especially if you don’t wear your retainer as directed. 

Call our office today. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Invisalign Retainers

The job of Invisalign is not done after your last aligner. You still have to tend to your teeth with normal hygiene habits. And your doctor will issue you a retainer, made of the same thermoplastic as your Invisalign aligners. You and your retainer will spend the rest of your life together to some degree, because if you don’t you risk dental relapse. 

After treatment, you should be prepared to wear your retainer around the clock for at least six months. Then you graduate to wearing only at night—but that’s permanent. Commitment to wearing a retainer is something any thoughtful dentist will engage you about at the start of treatment—without the retainer, there’s no guarantee the work will last.

Dental relapse occurs naturally as the bite or bones shift. Certain conditions, like open bite or spacing between rotated teeth, have a greater risk of relapse. 

There are options, like fixed retention, that can lead to less retainer use. In fixed retention, a wire is glued to the back of your teeth to hold the space shut. Obviously, this is for patients with repaired diastemas, or front teeth gaps. 

If you’re worried about losing your retainer constantly, you can order backup sets through your Invisalign doctor

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Obtener las llaves una segunda vez

Si usted es un adulto interesado en mejorar la alineación de su sonrisa, sepa que no está solo. De los pacientes que reciben tratamiento ortodóncico en los Estados Unidos, aproximadamente el 25% son adultos. Algunos adultos buscan el tratamiento inicial en sus 20's y 30's, mientras que otros pueden haber tenido aparatos como adolescentes, pero experimentaron cambios porque no usaron sus retenedores. Independientemente de su situación, hay un montón de opciones disponibles. 

¿Es usted consciente de cómo conseguir llaves en sus 20? Si es así, puede que desee considerar opciones discretas como llaves linguales, llaves de cerámica y Invisalign, que son increíblemente sutiles. 

Lingual-braces: se aplican a la parte posterior de sus dientes, frente a su lengua. Ellos mejorarán su sonrisa con la misma eficacia que las llaves tradicionales. 

Aparatos de cerámica: Se aplican de manera similar a los aparatos ortopédicos tradicionales, pero incluyen soportes hechos de cerámica de color de dientes que se mezclan con su sonrisa. 

Invisalign: Un sistema que utiliza bandejas de plástico transparente que descansan sobre sus dientes y gradualmente los mueven a su posición correcta. 

Para los pacientes adultos, uno de los principales factores que entran en juego es la programación. Muchos profesionales que trabajan no quieren dedicar varios días al año a las citas del orthodontist. Si usted tiene una línea de tiempo muy ocupado, es posible que desee considerar Invisalign como su método de elección. No sólo tendrá menos citas programadas, sino que podrá entrar y salir 

Llame a nuestra oficina con cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre tirantes para adultos o para programar su consulta.