Friday, April 28, 2017

All On Four Dental Implants Benefits

There are several ways to replace knocked-out or extracted teeth. These include dentures and dental bridges, both of which restore the look and functionality of the smile. However, our dentist in Agoura Hills will recommend dental implants for any patients who qualify.

Single dental implants can be used for individual lost teeth, but are not efficient for replacing all of the teeth in an arch. In cases such as this, our dentist will use All On Four dental implants – four evenly spaced implants that support pontics.

There are many benefits of this restorative option. The integration into the jaw bone stimulates the tissue, which helps maintain its density and health. You can also enjoy perfect functionality when both chewing and speaking, just as with your natural teeth. Most patients also find that All On Four implant are a very cost effective option, and do not require much recovery time.

Patients often experience issues with dentures and bridges concerning stability and comfort. Dentures rely on suction to remain in place, but can slip and slide with use. While bridges are held in place with dental crowns, they also do not work to stimulate the underlying jaw bone. All On Four implants offer a simple solution to these serious and inconvenient issues.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Why Get Dental Veneers

Are you happy with your smile? Or is it full of flaws you don’t want others to see? There are several ways a smile can be treated and perfected, but some options are more complicated than others. Patients often, naturally, prefer convenience and cost effectiveness. Many find the answer with dental veneers.

Dental veneers are thin strips of porcelain that are bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. They are used to mask cosmetic dental flaws. They may be the perfect choice for you if your smile features:

•    Crooked teeth
•    Gaps
•    Crowding
•    Stains or discolorations
•    Small and misshapen teeth
•    And more

Many patients opt for dental veneers when they do not wish to undergo lengthy and costly treatments and procedures, to address their dental flaws individually. They offer a permanent, yet quick solution to an imperfect smile. They are often considered before important life events, such as a wedding, reunion, or graduation.

If you are interested in veneers, you first have to see if you make a good candidate. Our expert in porcelain veneers in Beverly Hills can further explain why this option may be good for you at a consultation appointment.

Monday, April 24, 2017

What are Inlays and Onlays?

Restorative treatments are possibly the most useful and necessary of the dentistry field. They are needed due to physical damage that can suddenly occur or develop over time. These include worn enamel, chips, cracks, and cavities. Some of these issues can be corrected with inlays and onlays.

Inlays and onlays are indirect fillings. Like traditional direct fillings, they are used to fill in a hollow space in a tooth. However, whereas traditional fillings are created in the teeth, indirect fillings are first created, then placed. Inlays are fillings that go inside of the tooth, and onlays are those that are placed on the cusps, or top of the teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Orange County will remove the decayed tissue, create a model of the affected tooth, and then place your custom porcelain restoration.

Patients and dentists alike prefer inlays and onlays to direct fillings for several reasons. Indirect fillings tend to fit better thanks to how they are made, and therefore require less follow up appointments to make adjustments for comfort. They also are known to be more durable and resilient, offering a more healthy restoration overall. 

If you require a dental filling, talk to our dentist about the possibility and benefits of inlays and onlays. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Taking Care of Teeth With Invisalign

During Invisalign treatment, you will need to take extra care of your teeth in addition to brushing and flossing as usual. Taking these additional steps will minimize the increased oral health risks that braces bring. When you reach the end of treatment, your smile will also look as good as possible.

Remove Your Aligners Before Eating, Brush Afterwards

Any time you eat or drink anything other than water, you should first remove your aligners. Afterwards, you should rinse your mouth out and brush your teeth. This will prevent you from trapping food particles against your teeth after you put your aligners back in your mouth.

Clean Your Aligners Every Day

It is important to keep your aligners clean so that they do not accumulate food particles, which can promote cavities. Wash your aligners gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush, lukewarm water and mild dish soap. Never use hot water or a dishwasher, which can warp your aligners and make replacements necessary.

Caring for your teeth during braces treatment, including Invisalign, requires some extra work but is very important. Afterwards, routine brushing and flossing may also seem even easier than before. You can schedule a consultation with our expert in Invisalign in Beverly Hills to learn more about oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tips for Invisalign Treatment

Straightening the teeth and correcting the bite with orthodontics can be a difficult time. While everyone wants a perfect looking and healthy smile, not everyone is as excited about what it takes to get there. Knowing the ins and outs of treatment with Invisalign can help make this experience easier.

Tip One: Wear your aligners

Though your aligners are easily removable, it is important that they remain in for the instructed amount of hours per day – between twenty and twenty-four. They should be removed only to eat and clean the teeth. Failure to wear them enough can result in a prolonged treatment time.

Tip Two: Do not hide your aligners

Your aligners will be see-through, but may not always be pretty to look at. You might be compelled to hide them in a napkin while you eat to keep them out of view, but this can be dangerous. Many patients have accidentally thrown their aligners away by doing this. Prevent the lengthy process of getting a replacement aligner by keeping a case on you at all times.

Tip Three: Listen to our LA Invisalign dentist

While you may not want to follow some rules, they are always in your best interest. Dodge difficulties in your treatment by listening to the instructions you dentist gives.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Is Invisalign Worth It?

The decision to get orthodontic treatment can be a hard one to make. You may really want that beautiful smile, but it takes a big commitment to get it there. Our Invisalign doctor will tell you that opting for orthodontic treatment is always the best choice. Here are some reasons that might convince you that Invisalign is worth the work.

1)    Aesthetics
Crooked teeth and spacing issues can really affect the look of the smile. Issues such as these can make you look years older, as well as unhealthy. You might find that you are seen differently in the workplace and in social situations with a healthier and better looking smile.

2)    Health
While it is easy to see orthodontic flaws as strictly cosmetic concerns, they can actually have a big effect on your dental and oral health. Crowded teeth create hard to clean spaces where bacteria and plaque can build up, which leads to cavities. Furthermore, misalignments can cause complications with the jaw, such as TMJ.

3)    Easy treatment
It is important to keep in mind that Invisalign makes treatment as convenient as possible. It might seem like orthodontic work is a big task to take on, but this option allows you to eat and clean your teeth just like before, providing an easier process.

Contact us to schedule a consultation and see if Invisalign is right for you.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Who Should Get Invisalign?

Every orthodontic patient today wants Invisalign. It’s not secret why – Invisalign aligners are seamless, removable, and invisible. These features are great benefits that most other orthodontic appliances do not offer. While it is an option for most people, it is unfortunately not one for everybody. Here is a look at who should get Invisalign.

Those who want flexibility

Not everyone is good at having a permanent fixture to their teeth. Some patients hide their smiles when they are happy because they don’t want their braces to be seen. Invisalign offers a much more flexible experience. The aligners can be removed easily by the patient, perfect for those who do not want to avoid their favorite foods.

Those who need to look a certain way

Younger patients may have a serious problem with showing up to school with a metal mouth. We can help them avoid the embarrassment with these see-through aligners. Professionals in the work place may also want to maintain a level of maturity, and braces can make the wearer look younger. Invisalign eliminates that problem.

Those with straight-forward orthodontic flaws

Invisalign is best at correctly mild to moderate cases of crooked teeth and spacing issues.

Talk to our dentist about Invisalign Full, Invisalign Express, and Invisalign Teen.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Purpose of Wearing an Invisalign Retainer

Orthodontic treatment works by applying pressure to teeth, which causes them to move through the bone much like a knife moves through butter. The bone tissue gradually remodels around the roots of the teeth, and the periodontal ligaments adjust to their new positions. This process can take time, which is why our Huntington Beach dentist recommends that patients wear a retainer after active orthodontic treatment has concluded.

Once the braces are removed or aligners are no longer being worn, teeth can shift from their proper positions and drift back towards their original positions. Each time you bite and chew, you place new forces and pressures on your teeth, which can cause your teeth to move even more. This leads to orthodontic relapse. The Invisalign retainer is designed to fit your teeth precisely at the conclusion of your treatment. It will hold your teeth in their new positions to prevent relapse and other changes in the positions of your teeth over time.

You can take care of this retainer just like you took care of your aligners. You can remove it for meals or dental hygiene purposes, but most people will need to wear a retainer both day and night initially. After a certain period, you will be able to reduce your wear time, possibly to only at night.

A retainer can protect your investment in your smile. Call our office to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our team.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Clear Braces and What You Should Know about Them

Clear braces, such as Invisalign, are what many patients seek for discreet teeth straightening today. While the basic working principle remains the same, these braces differ broadly from other types of orthodontic appliances. Here is what you should know about clear orthodontic options.

They Are More Comfortable

Compared to metal braces, clear ones are far less likely to cause abrasion in the mouth. This is thanks to the fact that clear orthodontics do not have any brackets or wires. Especially for athletes, this comfort is often a major advantage.

They Straighten Teeth More Quickly

Teeth are moved more quickly by clear orthodontics than by those that use brackets and wires. Whereas metal braces work in about two years for most patients, clear orthodontics work in an average of fifteen months, and many patients finish in just a year.

They Are More Discreet

The discretion that clear orthodontics provides is easily their main selling point. Simply put, no other treatment comes close to these braces in terms of how little they stand out.

Besides Invisalign Full, our dentist offers Invisalign Teen and Invisalign Express for younger patients and those who need minor corrections, respectively. You can schedule a consultation with our Rocklin orthodontist to learn more about what clear orthodontics offer.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Dental Lumineers and Their Cost

If you’re comparison-shopping for dental veneers, you may already know the difference between traditional veneers and the ultra-thin kind, like Lumineers. While there are competing brands even in the ultra-thin category, Lumineers are the thinnest currently in production and have an excellent marketing campaign behind them.

However, if you’re hoping for a quick decision based on cost, the price difference between kinds of Lumineers is not drastic. Since veneers are priced per tooth, and since most patients only place between 4 and 8 veneers, quotes will be slight variations on a theme.

One thing to consider is location. If you live somewhere expensive, especially somewhere with a lot of demand for cosmetic dentistry, you may find the dental Lumineers cost to be cheaper across state lines. In addition, dentists with plenty of experience placing Lumineers are happy to charge for it.

Another consideration is the lifetime of your Lumineers. The product consistently lasts 20 years or longer, but no dental restoration can be expected to last forever. Depending on your age and accounting for incidentals, you should budget for replacement Lumineers.

If you have questions about Lumineers, financially or otherwise, feel free to contact our Los Angeles Lumineers expert.