Monday, May 2, 2016

Getting Dental Implants and Its Cost

Getting dental implants can be a very lengthy process. After your expert in dental implant in Los Angeles inserts the first, screw-like piece of your implant into your jaw bone, it can take up to seven months for it to integrate into the bone and heal properly. Receiving the implant may require two or more visits to your dentist.

The cost of getting dental implants will vary per patient. As no two patients and their dental health needs are exactly alike, there will be differences in number of appointments and healing time, and therefore costs. After your first assessment, your dentist will provide you with a treatment plan, which will give you a good idea about the details of the process, including expected prices. Depending on how your treatment goes along the way, your dentist will let you know if any amounts change, appointments or materials need to be added, or other unexpected monetary factors change.

That being said, dental implants can cost $1,000 to $3,000 per implant. This procedure may seem less preferable compared to bridges, dentures, or partial dentures when it comes to what you may have to pay. But it is important to know that implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth, unlike any other treatment available.

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