Monday, May 23, 2016

Candidates for Teeth Whitening

Getting your teeth professionally whitened is a great way to get your smile looking bright and shiny. Our West Hollywood cosmetic dentist is skilled at using the special tools and materials required of general dentistry, including teeth whitening. It is important to know, however, that there are certain factors that make patients good candidates for the procedure.

Teeth whitening is idea for patients who have healthy teeth, with no restorations (meaning no fillings or similar repairs). Patients must also have healthy gums, with no signs of gingivitis or periodontitis. Teeth whitening works best on teeth that have developed a yellowish tone.

There are also several reasons why a patient would not make a good candidate for the procedure.

•    Whitening can make teeth sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks, so it is not recommend for those already suffering from it.
•    Whitening is not for those under the age of sixteen.
•    Potential patients cannot have any cavities, worn enamel, or exposed roots.
•    Patients cannot be pregnant.
•    Smokers should know that they will experience only limited results.
•    Our expert in teeth whitening in West Hollywood will not perform the procedure if a patient has unrealistic expectations. Several appointments may be required to reach the level of brightness desired.

Visit our West Hollywood cosmetic dentist to see if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening.

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