Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Candidates for Dental Implants

Dental implanting is a process required when a natural tooth is no longer able to function properly. The tooth must then be replaced with a replica, or implant. These implants are made of strong materials, such as titanium alloy and porcelain, and are designed to look and act just like the teeth they are replacing.

Your dentist in Northridge may advise you to get a dental implant if a tooth has sustained damage from bacteria and decay, or the root has been infected and root canal treatment is not an option or a desired treatment. An implant will also be required if a tooth is missing entirely, whether due to accident, decay, or disease.

You may be a candidate for dental implants if you:

•    Are in otherwise good oral health, including gums
•    Do not smoke or have alcohol or substances problems
•    Are not pregnant
•    Have fully developed jaw bones, and enough bone to anchor the implant
•    Have not been exposed to high-radiation to the head or neck
•    And do not have any chronic disease or systemic issues, such as uncontrolled diabetes, hemophilia, connective tissue diseases, or significant immune deficiencies.

To further discuss your candidacy, contact our expert in dental implants in Northridge.

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