Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How Long Does a Dental Exam Take?

In addition to regularly brushing and flossing your teeth at home, it is strongly recommended that you visit a dentist every six months for a dental exam. The length of time that a dental exam will take typically depends on a case-by-case basis.

Most dental exams last around forty-five minutes, but they can be shorter if you are in exceptionally good oral health, or longer if you have several issues that need to be addressed. During the course of the exam, the dentist will evaluate your overall oral health and clean your teeth. They will look for signs of decay or gum disease. They will likely check to make sure there are no issues with your bite or with your jaw. They will also check you for oral cancer and other health issues. X-rays may or may not be taken, depending on your dental health and the last time you took X-rays. For a healthy individual, you may only need X-rays every few years. For those with gum disease or other health concerns, more frequent X-rays may be necessary. More frequent dental cleanings may also be more necessary for those individuals with gum disease.

If it has been a while since your last dental exam, contact our Northridge dentists to schedule a consultation.

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