Monday, April 11, 2016

How Do Dentists Whiten the Teeth?

Every day, a thin coating called pellicle forms on the enamel, or the hard protective layer, of your teeth. Pellicle picks up stains, and your tooth enamel has pores that can hold stains, too. This is why it is important to have your teeth whitened by an Orange County cosmetic dentist.

Common substances or factors that create stains on your teeth are:

•    Tobacco or smoking
•    Liquids, like coffee, dark sodas, tea, red wine, etc.
•    Bad dental health
•    Aging

If you are planning a visit to an expert in teeth whitening in Orange County, or are considering planning one, it may be helpful to know what to expect. The following are the typical steps of having your teeth whitened by a dentist.

•    Your dentist or dental assistant will begin by taking a photograph of your teeth. This is to compare to your progress throughout the treatment.
•    They will spend some time removing a film of bacteria, food, and, other substances that have built up over time.
•    Your dentist will apply a special gel to your teeth, which will contain varying levels of hydrogen peroxide. This is a bleaching gel.
•    The bleaching gel will be activated by a laser, which speeds up the bleaching process.

These are the usual, basic steps of a Vital whitening, but other steps may be necessary depending on your specific needs. Typical whitening treatment takes one to three appointments, lasting between thirty to ninety minutes each.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog!! The information is good on teeth whitening treatments. I was also suffering from this problem and went to my dentist Manhattan Beach. He is very known dentist in town. He prescribed some toothpaste and told to have some precautions too. Loved his services!
