Onlays are a tooth-restoration option that cosmetic dentists in Los Angeles use on a regular basis. In fact, the most well-known type of onlay is the dental crown. But while a dental crown covers the entire visible surface of the natural tooth, some onlays might only cover a portion of it, most commonly one or more of the cusps of a molar or premolar, the bumps which are used for grinding.
This is done in instances where a tooth needs added strength as a result of decay that has weakened it or a fracture has formed as a result of trauma or simple wear and tear. As a tooth-colored restoration option, they can also be used as a way to hide and fix other problems with teeth, including chips. These can even be used on front teeth, providing a natural-looking solution to unsightly problems.
Because onlays are made outside of the mouth, there is no concern about their changing sizes during the hardening process, which happens with metal and resin fillings. That changing of sizes, although minuscule, can create stress on a tooth. If the tooth is already weak, this could result in it breaking apart. Onlays avoid this problem altogether and act as a firm way to secure and strengthen the tooth.
To learn more about them, contact our expert in onlays in Los Angeles to schedule an appointment.
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