Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Veneers, Their Uses and Advantages

Dental veneers, also commonly known as porcelain veneers, are a type of cosmetic dental treatment for people wanting a perfect-looking smile. Our expert in dental veneers in Orange County uses them for a variety of situations, including the following.

Hiding Blemishes

Teeth that are otherwise perfect in size, shape, and alignment might still have problems that cannot be easily fixed by other means. Perfect examples of this are patients who have severe staining or discoloration that is not responsive to teeth whitening, including “tetracycline teeth” and those with fluorosis.

Hiding Gaps

Minor gaps between front teeth can be embarrassing and orthodontics can be cost-prohibitive. Veneers are able to hide these minor problems in as little as two dental appointments.

Aligning Vertical Unevenness

Some patients have teeth that are inconsistent in their length. For example, with an ideal smile, the top two front teeth (known as central incisors) should form a smooth curve line from them all the way back to the molars, with only the canine teeth protruding slightly lower. Many patients, however, have second teeth (lateral incisors) that are significantly shorter. Veneers are able to address this issue, giving the appearance of an even arc.

Learn more about the uses and benefits of dental veneers by contacting our Orange County cosmetic dentists.

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