Friday, February 19, 2016

Bleaching Your Teeth

Everyone wants a whiter smile. You can bleach or whiten your teeth at home or at the dental office, but you should be prepared for different outcomes. Doing it yourself saves money, but you will not get the powerful bleaching effect your dentist can give you.

At home, using over-the-counter treatments, you can expect to make your teeth one to three shades lighter at most. In the office, you may see results of up to ten shades lighter, results that can last up to five years.

We encourage you to consult our expert in teeth bleaching inNorth Hollywood before deciding what bleaching method is best for you. Certain kinds of discoloration, like grayish tetracycline stains, typically do not respond well to whitening. In addition, any gum disease or teeth that are especially worn down due to bruxism may make you a poor candidate.

Both personal and professional whitening use the same product: peroxide. The dentist uses a much higher percentage, of course. Only professionals should administer this solution, as leaving it on the teeth too long produces oversensitivity and can inflame the gums.

Improving the color of your smile is relatively straightforward, and can even be accomplished on your own. But you should not undertake a whitening mission without first consulting your North Hollywoodcosmetic dentist.

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