Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How Painful is Root Canal Treatment?

There is a harmful myth going around that getting a root canal treatment is excruciatingly painful. But this is not the case. In fact, it can actually be more painful to go without a root canal treatment when you desperately need it. A root canal becomes necessary when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected and needs to be removed. Our Van Nuys dentist can alleviate you of the discomfort and strengthen the tooth afterward.

Prior to the root canal being performed, you will be administered a local anesthetic. This numbs the area around the tooth, so you will not feel a thing. In fact, many former patients describe getting a root canal to be similar to getting a dental filling. A hole will be drilled into the tooth, and the infected pulp will be removed and replaced with sealing material.

After the infected material is gone, the tooth structure will be compromised, so it will need to be strengthened with a dental crown. Our expert in root canal in Van Nuys will design a custom crown that fits perfectly in your smile. Once your crown has been put into place, you will be ready to enjoy your new smile.

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