Friday, March 6, 2015

Stages in Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full mouth reconstruction becomes an option for a patient when multiple procedures are necessary in order to get the mouth back to optimal health. The exact stages of a full mouth reconstruction will vary from patient to patient because each reconstruction is composed of different treatments. Every patient who sees our expert in full mouth reconstruction in Los Angeles has different issues with their teeth and gums, so every combination of procedures will differ.

Every reconstruction will begin with a comprehensive examination to determine what exactly is wrong with your dental health. Certain problems like broken teeth, missing teeth, bleeding gums, or misaligned teeth will be readily visible, but other problems like joint issues and infected tooth pulp will require X-rays and other treatments to determine the best course of action. Some of the treatments that might be recommended for you include dental implants, veneers, orthodontics, periodontal treatments, gum contouring, crown lengthening, and bone grafting.

Cosmetic treatments can also be discussed with one of our dentists, but when only cosmetic treatments need to be performed, your best bet is to go with a smile makeover. A full mouth reconstruction focuses more on actual health concerns to the teeth and gums.

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