Monday, March 2, 2015

Do All Dentists Offer Invisalign?

Some doctors are more experienced with Invisalign than others, so you should also browse through previous patients’ reviews to see if any doctor you are considering will be able to help you. You can schedule a consultation with our Invisalign doctor in Pasadena, who will be able to examine your teeth to see if Invisalign is right for you. Many of the same orthodontic issues that can be treated with metal braces can also be treated with Invisalign, so many patients find that they qualify for the treatment.

In order to qualify for the treatment, you need to be willing to schedule regular appointment at our office so that our dentist can make sure your treatment is progressing as planned. These appointments are often shorter than what you would get for metal braces because no tightening is involved. Our dentist just needs to make sure your teeth have straightened as much as they should, and then we will give you your next set of aligners.

Aside from these appointments, you should be taking care of your teeth and Invisalign aligners on your own time. This involves taking out the aligners when you eat so that they do not become damaged. Our doctor will also give you an Invisalign cleaning kit so that you have all the tools necessary to care for your aligners on a daily basis.

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