Thursday, March 19, 2015

How Do Sleep Apnea Mouthpieces Work?

How Do Sleep Apnea Mouthpieces Work?
A mouthpiece is a common treatment option for patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea because it is minimally invasive, and the results can be quite impressive. Our expert in sleep apnea mouthpiece in Thousand Oaks will custom-build your mouthpiece so that it fits perfectly in your mouth and does not cause any discomfort. A mouthpiece can be used alone or in conjunction with a CPAP machine or lifestyle changes.

Mouthpieces work by repositioning the lower jaw so that the airways remain open. You can also get a tongue retaining device, which keeps the tongue in a fixed position, preventing it from collapsing into the throat. You may need to schedule follow-up appointments with our doctor to make sure the device is working as it should. If your symptoms have not been reduced, a different treatment may be necessary.

Patients often prefer getting mouthpieces when possible because they barely interfere with their sleep. A mouth guard will allow you to move around freely at night. They are easy to wear, and they are portable so that you can take them with you if you travel anywhere. They may take a while to get used to, but soon enough, you will be enjoying all the benefits mouthpieces have to offer.

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