Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Less Risk with Lumineers

Getting a brand new Hollywood smile is easier than you may think. However, many patients would rather not risk losing enamel to achieve their dream look. Unlike veneers, which require a dental professional to shave down natural enamel, lumineers are applied without preparation work. 

A lumineer is a thin porcelain shell that is cemented to the front of the tooth to give it a bright, beautiful appearance. Lumineers are much thinner than standard veneers, which is why they require less preparation. When you go in for lumineers, our Los Angeles Lumineers expert will measure for custom lumineers that will fit your smile perfectly. Although lumineers may stick out slightly compared to veneers, your natural teeth will not be altered. Therefore, there will be a quicker turn around to apply your lumineers.
To care for your teeth, it is incredibly important to target your gumline. Floss diligently and devote to brushing twice daily. Many patients with lumineers feel it is worth it to have their smiles polished every few months. These actions, along with attending regularly scheduled dental exams, will provide you with long lasting results. Call our office today to find out whether lumineers are a suitable option for you and how to set up a consultation.

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