Thursday, September 7, 2017

Brushing ceramic braces

If your child is considering getting ceramic braces, they may be curious about the daily routine involved. For starters, ceramic braces are very similar to standard metal braces, beyond the fact that they are not nearly as visible. 

Ceramic braces are made up of clear or tooth-colored brackets that keep the archwire in place. Contrary to the belief of some patients, ceramic braces do not stain easily. In fact, the only materials that are particularly prone to staining are the clear rubber ligatures used. For certain self-ligating braces, rubber bands may not be necessary. In order to keep your rubber bands stain-free, you will want to brush after meals and enjoy beverages known to stain through a straw. 

When you care for your ceramic braces, be sure to brush at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Colorless mouthwash is also a great idea to address hard to reach areas. As always with braces, it is paramount to floss regularly and make sure there are no food particles resting in between brackets. Ceramic brackets are quite durable and will stay in place as long as you avoid certain problem foods, such as hard candy and caramel. If you are diligent about taking care of your ceramic braces, you will achieve beautiful results.

Contact our orthodontist in Los Angeles to set up your consultation.

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