Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Importance of Invisalign Retainer

Getting braces off or completing Invisalign treatment is exciting. Active orthodontic treatment requires a lot of checkups, scrupulous dental hygiene and occasional discomfort. While you might be ready to show off your new smile free of any appliances, you might be surprised to find out that there is another phase of treatment. Most patients will need to wear a retainer to keep their teeth in the new position. 

Our Orange County cosmetic dentist can explain how often and how long you will need to wear your retainer. During orthodontic treatment, your bone tissue remodels to make way for the roots of the teeth as they move. It takes time for new bone tissue to grow around the roots, and the retainer helps keep your teeth where they need to be while this happens. If you fail to wear your Invisalign retainer, your teeth could shift back to their original positions, a problem called orthodontic relapse. The risk of relapse is highest right after treatment but can continue for months until the position of your teeth has stabilized.

Invisalign retainer looks and feels much like your Invisalign aligners, but it will not put pressure on your teeth. It will simply hold them in their proper position. You might need to wear it all the time at first, but most people will be able to decrease their wear time to nighttime only or less frequently as time passes.

Monday, September 18, 2017

How Does Invisalign Teen Work?

There are plenty of stigmas when it comes to teens and their braces. So many fear the discomfort and aesthetically displeasing appearance accompanied with braces. They not only affect what teens can eat, but what they’re daily habits are. That’s why Invisalign Teen has really come to prominence.

The invisible, plastic aligners can transform misshapen or unbecoming teeth to something quite astounding. Thankfully, teens now have easier access to an Invisalign provider in LA. Often, these perform much better when it comes to rudimentary or simpler orthodontic issues. The gradual shift instigated by the aligners can lead to a more confident grin. The practical advantages, including the doing-away with self-conscious feelings, make Invisalign an incredible solution.

Reshaping a teen’s smile can change what they think about themselves and how they see themselves. Invisalign teen is effectively treating crooked teeth, overcrowding, over and under bites, as well as gaps between the teeth. They work by simply popping the plastic aligner into the mouth and ensuring they’re anchored over the teeth. They are replaced frequently to guarantee that the mouth is continually reshaped. This change only comes from determination, however. A teen must wear Invisalign for at least 22-hours a day. Only through personal effort can a person resolve their dental issues.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Less Risk with Lumineers

Getting a brand new Hollywood smile is easier than you may think. However, many patients would rather not risk losing enamel to achieve their dream look. Unlike veneers, which require a dental professional to shave down natural enamel, lumineers are applied without preparation work. 

A lumineer is a thin porcelain shell that is cemented to the front of the tooth to give it a bright, beautiful appearance. Lumineers are much thinner than standard veneers, which is why they require less preparation. When you go in for lumineers, our Los Angeles Lumineers expert will measure for custom lumineers that will fit your smile perfectly. Although lumineers may stick out slightly compared to veneers, your natural teeth will not be altered. Therefore, there will be a quicker turn around to apply your lumineers.
To care for your teeth, it is incredibly important to target your gumline. Floss diligently and devote to brushing twice daily. Many patients with lumineers feel it is worth it to have their smiles polished every few months. These actions, along with attending regularly scheduled dental exams, will provide you with long lasting results. Call our office today to find out whether lumineers are a suitable option for you and how to set up a consultation.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Brushing ceramic braces

If your child is considering getting ceramic braces, they may be curious about the daily routine involved. For starters, ceramic braces are very similar to standard metal braces, beyond the fact that they are not nearly as visible. 

Ceramic braces are made up of clear or tooth-colored brackets that keep the archwire in place. Contrary to the belief of some patients, ceramic braces do not stain easily. In fact, the only materials that are particularly prone to staining are the clear rubber ligatures used. For certain self-ligating braces, rubber bands may not be necessary. In order to keep your rubber bands stain-free, you will want to brush after meals and enjoy beverages known to stain through a straw. 

When you care for your ceramic braces, be sure to brush at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Colorless mouthwash is also a great idea to address hard to reach areas. As always with braces, it is paramount to floss regularly and make sure there are no food particles resting in between brackets. Ceramic brackets are quite durable and will stay in place as long as you avoid certain problem foods, such as hard candy and caramel. If you are diligent about taking care of your ceramic braces, you will achieve beautiful results.

Contact our orthodontist in Los Angeles to set up your consultation.