Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What Does a Sleep Apnea Dentist Do?

Most people only think of the teeth when they think of dentists. But did you know they are also qualified to treat sleep apnea, as well? If you believe you are suffering from this sleep disorder and do not know where to turn to get help, start by giving your dentist a call.

A sleep apnea dentist is able to employ several different types of treatments in order to eliminate either the symptoms of the disorder, and possibly the disorder all together. They will begin by examining your medical history and point out any concerns or areas of note. They will then inspect the neck and air passageways, as issues in this area are the main cause of OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea. From this point, they may make one of several suggestions.

They may first recommend that you make some lifestyle changes. These commonly include a change in sleeping position and weight loss. You may also be instructed to take a lab test, where you will be monitored while sleeping overnight.

It is has been confirmed that you are suffering from sleep apnea, our dentist will work with you to determine the most effective treatment. Treatments for sleep apnea include:

•    Mouth guards
•    Mouth splints
•    CPAP machines
•    Tonsil removal
•    Tissue removal surgery

For more information, contact us.

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