Thursday, February 9, 2017

How Often is a Dental Exam and Cleaning Required?

Most people should have a professional exam and dental cleaning at least two times a year. A regular dental exam and cleaning are essential to maintaining your dental health and preventing future dental problems. We can also recommend specific dental hygiene regimens or preventive care that can benefit you between visits.

Some other things that you can expect at your next dental visit include:

·         A review of your medical history that includes a list of any new medications, illnesses, or medical conditions
·         Diagnostic X-rays to detect tooth decay, cysts, bone loss, tooth position, and other dental issues
·         Gum evaluation for signs of periodontal disease
·         And oral cancer screening, including a thorough exam of the lips, throat, tongue, gums, and other oral tissues
·         Examination of dental restorations to ensure all are in good condition
·         Calculus and plaque removal
·         A review of your lifestyle and dietary habits that could affect your dental health

Visiting us twice a year is sufficient for most patients, but if you are at a high risk of dental problems, more frequent visits might be in order. This includes patients who smoke, who have systemic health problems, and those with a history of periodontal disease. Call our North Hollywood dentist today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our team.

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