Monday, August 29, 2016

When is Invisalign Retainer Needed?

Invisalign is a great, and often preferred, way to straighten the teeth and fix the bite. The trays, or aligners, fit around the teeth much like a mouth guard, and apply consistent pressure to move them into healthier spots. The Invisalign Full treatment typically requires twenty to thirty aligners over the course of about twelve months. During this time, the look of your smile will improve considerably. It’s best to be sure that your smile stays this way after your main treatment is done, so all of that time and work is not wasted.

This is done with the help of a retainer. Invisalign offers retainers that look and feel much the same as their aligners. Your Los Angeles Invisalign retainer dentist will examine your orthodontic progress and decide how often you will need to wear this new appliance. Most patients will need to wear them twenty-four hours a day for one or two weeks, and then be allowed to switch to only at night. Wearing your retainer while you sleep is the best way to ensure that your teeth stay in their new positions for the rest of your life. This eliminates the possibility of having to undergo orthodontic treatment again later to correct repositioning.

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