Monday, July 25, 2016

How are Full Dentures Placed?

The prospect of getting dentures can be a scary thought. Often, though, it is simply a fear of the unknown. To ease any fears you may have, read on to learn about full dentures and how they are placed.

Full dentures replace all teeth in your mouth. They are made out of acrylic and look very natural. The base of the dentures is flesh-colored and fits over your gums. Upper dentures cover the roof of your mouth, while the lower dentures simply sit on the gums of your lower arch.

Dentures are made by a laboratory using models and measurements of your mouth. Before full dentures can be placed, any remaining teeth must be removed. There are two options for placing full dentures, depending on your needs and preferences.

1.    Conventional full dentures: After remaining teeth are pulled, the mouth is given time to heal before the dentures are placed. This means that you will be without teeth for a period of time.
2.    Immediate full dentures: These are placed immediately after teeth are removed. While they offer the benefit of not being without teeth, they will require readjustment after the mouth heals.

If you are in need of dentures, contact our Hollywood dentist to find out what kind is right for you.

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