Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Can Porcelain Veneers Get Stained?

Porcelain is highly resistant to staining, but your teeth can still stain even when covered with veneers. Good dental habits are needed to keep your smile looking like the “after” picture of a smile makeover before and after session.

1.    Brush and floss regularly – Good dental hygiene keeps plaque and tartar from building up, and reduces the risk of tooth decay and superficial staining. Be sure to schedule regular professional cleanings to keep your teeth as clean and healthy as possible.

2.    Limit your exposure to staining foods and drinks – Coffee, wine, colas, and energy drinks can be particularly discoloring. While the porcelain veneers are unlikely to stain, your teeth can absorb the stains from these beverages, and the dark colors can show through the translucent porcelain.

3.    Do not use abrasive products on your teeth – Abrasive toothpaste can damage the glazed coating on your veneers, which can leave the porcelain vulnerable to discoloration and damage.

As long as you take care of your smile, your porcelain veneers should continue to look beautiful for many years. Call us today to learn more about maintaining your healthy smile or to schedule an appointment with our expert in porcelain veneers in Los Angeles.

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