Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What Does Invisalign Retainer Do?

After you have had orthodontic treatment, either from braces or from Invisalign, keeping your smile perfect thereafter must be a conscious effort. Otherwise, teeth will inevitably turn and twist and drift in your mouth. It is to this end that our dentist in OC strongly suggests the use of an Invisalign retainer to maintain your smile.

An Invisalign retainer is molded to fit your teeth perfectly. In fact, it is made from your teeth. One is made of each dental arch, top and bottom. While it should be worn more often during the first six months after treatment, it is important to wear them at night from then on. Because they fit so perfectly over your teeth, they will prevent the teeth from moving away from their new, ideal locations, which it does while you sleep.

Wearing an Invisalign retainer is the next logical step when it comes to having a perfect smile. You spent the time to get the straight teeth, you invested the money, now you need to keep it. Invisalign is able to help you do that. Contact our expert in Invisalign retainer in Orange County to learn more or to schedule a consultation.

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