Monday, January 25, 2016

Why to Have Dental Exams

Teeth are one of the most recognizable parts of someone and they perform perhaps the single most important function of any body part, getting nutrients into our body. They are indeed the first step of digestion. As a result, oral health cannot be overstated in its value, and problem with your teeth can cause you to not eat properly. But maintaining teeth in good working order does not happen without constant attention, including brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.

An equally important step is getting dental exams. The twice-yearly appointments with our dentist in Glendale, CA are important for a variety of reasons, even if no known problems exist, including:

•    Catching early signs of decay
•    Stopping gum disease
•    Identifying weakened enamel
•    Avoiding future problems from incoming teeth
•    Getting suggestions on how to improve your daily hygiene routine
•    Potentially catching the earliest stages of a cancerous lesion
•    Getting a free toothbrush

Moreover, making and keeping your appointments can help you avoid more serious problems in the future that will end up being much more expensive in the long run. Even Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Contact our expert in dental exam in Glendale to schedule your appointment today.

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