Monday, January 4, 2016

Kids and Their Orthodontic Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontics and the American Dental Association both recommend that kids should receive an orthodontic evaluation by the time they reach the age of seven. At this point, their jaws have grown enough that an orthodontist will be able to determine how the teeth are going to erupt into their mouth, and if any issues are going to develop as a result. The orthodontist may recommend early orthodontic treatments for your child in order to correct issues while they are still young.

Because their jaw is still growing at age 7, it is easier to address certain issues like crowding. An early orthodontic treatment appliance that is often used is a palatal expander. This device can be used to expand the upper dental arch in a child who shows signs of crowding. By guiding the growth of the jaw in such a way, it is more likely that the teeth will emerge in a better position. Teeth may also be extracted in order to make more room in the jaw for future teeth to erupt more properly. While it is likely that a child who receives early orthodontic treatment will still need braces when they get older, the treatment should be much easier and shorter than it would have been without the early intervention.

Contact our expert in braces in San Pedro for more information about early orthodontic treatments.

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