Thursday, January 28, 2016

What are Invisible Braces?

Invisible braces are traditional braces in that they use the same mechanical operations to work their magic. In this regard, they use brackets that are attached to each of the teeth and use an arch wire to connect them together. Both parts are vitally important for them to work. With this process, the wire uses the bonded brackets to pull the mispositioned teeth where they need to go.

In all cases, the arch wire is metal. This means that the thin wire is in fact visible. But the invisible part pertains to the fact that the brackets are either tooth-colored, in the case of ceramic braces, or clear, like Damon Clear Braces. Since the brackets are the largest and most visible part of traditional braces, these alternatives are significantly less noticeable than all-metal braces. Moreover, traditional metal braces use tiny rubber bands to hold the arch wire in place. Although clear bands are available, they also come in colors. This adds to their visibility. In the case of Damon, no bands are used, making them even more discreet by comparison.

Luckily, although invisible braces are much harder to see, an orthodontics dentist is still able to treat patients with the same effectiveness. To find out more, contact our expert in invisible braces in Los Angeles for a consultation to see if they are right for you.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Why to Have Dental Exams

Teeth are one of the most recognizable parts of someone and they perform perhaps the single most important function of any body part, getting nutrients into our body. They are indeed the first step of digestion. As a result, oral health cannot be overstated in its value, and problem with your teeth can cause you to not eat properly. But maintaining teeth in good working order does not happen without constant attention, including brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.

An equally important step is getting dental exams. The twice-yearly appointments with our dentist in Glendale, CA are important for a variety of reasons, even if no known problems exist, including:

•    Catching early signs of decay
•    Stopping gum disease
•    Identifying weakened enamel
•    Avoiding future problems from incoming teeth
•    Getting suggestions on how to improve your daily hygiene routine
•    Potentially catching the earliest stages of a cancerous lesion
•    Getting a free toothbrush

Moreover, making and keeping your appointments can help you avoid more serious problems in the future that will end up being much more expensive in the long run. Even Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Contact our expert in dental exam in Glendale to schedule your appointment today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Zirconia Dental Implants

Zirconia dental implants are a metal-free alternative to dental implants that are made out of titanium. There are several reasons why a patient may opt for a Zirconia dental implant.

One of the reasons that a patient may wish to be fit with a Zirconia dental implant is an aesthetical one. For patients that have experienced gum recession or have thin gums, titanium implants can sometimes produce a gray color in the gums where they have been implanted. Because Zirconia is white and not a metal, it can provide a more natural look in many cases. Another reason patients request Zirconia dental implants is because it is a simpler placement procedure. Zirconia implants are designed to be one piece, so there is no additional surgery needed to place an abutment. In fact, our dental implant doctor in Los Angeles can usually place Zirconia implants immediately following a tooth extraction. Some patients also have metal allergies, making titanium implants a poor tooth replacement choice for them, whereas Zirconia is hypoallergenic.

If you would like to know if you are a good candidate for Zirconia dental implants, contact our expert in Zirconia dental implants in Los Angeles today to schedule a consultation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What is Full Mouth Reconstruction?

The mouth is a complex world of hard and soft tissues intricately connected to bone and muscle. It has a lot going on, without even counting the teeth. When a tooth goes missing, the other teeth react and can start to erode your bite. When multiple teeth are lost, multiple failures can ensue. And even when catastrophic tooth loss has not occurred, there are so many periodontal and endodontal things that can go wrong you may need a full mouth reconstruction way before you think you need it—in old age, for example.

Full mouth reconstruction is a radical salvation that must be undertaken after extensive research. Our expert in full mouth reconstruction in Los Angeles will spend many hours exploring options with you, as the final result typically includes a cocktail of dentistry. Dental implants may be prescribed, or some combination of dental bridges and dental implants. If you have developed chronic TMJ disorder or have suffered extreme trauma to the facial muscles, you may need oral surgery followed by intense therapy. Or you may require multiple tooth extractions or hard tissue repair. Often a team of dental professionals is involved, as the specialties required may be more than one dentist possesses.

Full mouth reconstruction gives you back more than a smile—it is about restoring functionality and quality of life. For more about this eventuality, contact our cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Types of Endodontic Surgery

An endodontist has one overarching aim when it comes to dental treatments: keep the natural tooth in place. This is because even though there are effective alternatives to real teeth, nothing works quite as well. This is the principle that guides our expert in endodontics in Los Angeles.

The first step our doctor will attempt is root canal therapy. This process goes from the top of the tooth and tries to remove and repair any damage that way. This is not considered surgery because no tissue is cut. This involves finding root canals that extend from the tooth into the supporting tissue. There are times, however, when the decay is either too deep or stubborn, or there is another root canal that is small and not found during the original procedure or in X-rays.

To figure out the source of continued dental problems, a dentist might suggest endodontic surgery. These processes involve cutting into the soft tissue at the base of the tooth to literally get at the root of the problem. The most common of these surgeries is called apicoectomy, or root-end resection. In it, the doctor will open the tissue, remove the infection below the base of the tooth, and then remove a small portion of the root itself. The bottom of the root is then capped with a filling to seal it, and a couple stitches or sutures are used to re-close the tissue.

There are other endodontic surgeries, too. For example, at times it might be necessary to split the tooth in half, or repair a root, or even remove a root altogether. There is even one that involves removing the entire tooth and doing work on it while it is out of the mouth, then replacing it.

As noted above, the aim of all endodontic work is to save the original tooth. If you are looking for an expert in endodontic surgery in Los Angeles, contact our office today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Do Tooth Whitening Strips Work?

Tooth whitening strips are an over-the-counter product that can be applied to your teeth at home. They are made of a special flexible plastic material that can be molded onto the teeth. They are coated in a special peroxide that breaks down on contact with moisture, which allows the oxygen to penetrate teeth and break up the stains inside the structure of the teeth. Most of these strips are coated with a 10 percent peroxide solution, which is mild enough for at-home use and unlikely to irritate gums or teeth with normal use.

Whitening strips are an extremely affordable whitening solution, but they may not be right for everyone. The American Dental Association recommends having a dental consultation before undergoing any whitening treatment. During a consultation, we can identify any pre-existing dental issues that could compromise your whitening results. Teeth should be clean and free of decay or gum disease for the best results. Some patients may not be candidates for conventional teeth whitening, and we can recommend alternatives that would better meet their needs. Call us today to learn more or to schedule your appointment with our Los Angeles tooth whitening doctor.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Dental Bridges and What They Do

Dental bridges are important tool that our dentist in Agoura Hills uses to restore the aesthetic and functional utility of natural teeth.

If you ever lose a single tooth or two beside each other, you may become acquainted with dental bridges. To grasp the purpose of a dental bridge, think of an actual bridge over a river. On both banks, the bridge is firmly attached to the ground. But as you cross the bridge, there is nothing but the expertly designed structure keeping you from falling into the water. Dental bridges operate in much the same fashion. When you are missing a tooth, this gap in your teeth is similar to the river. The dental bridge is secured on either side of this gap by crowns over the adjacent teeth. The gap is filled with a fake tooth, although it is not secured into the jaw like natural teeth or an implant. From the outside, the tooth looks completely natural and feels natural to the wearer.

Dental bridges are a cost-effective way to restore a smile to its natural look and feel. Unlike implants, no surgery is required, yet they provide a valuable way to keep your mouth healthy since a gap can cause significant problems in the future. Contact our expert in dental bridges in Agoura Hills to schedule a consultation to find out if this might be the right solution for you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Do Veneers Require Surgery?

Veneers do not require surgery for placement. Instead, veneer attachment takes place outside of the gums from start to finish. Here is more about veneers placement and how the procedure works.

Invasiveness of Veneers Placement

Placement of veneers is mildly invasive because it necessitates removal of some tooth enamel. Fortunately, this process is very tolerable because local anesthesia is used. By removing some of the enamel, our dentist makes room for the thickness of the veneers that will be bonded there.

How Veneers Placement Works

Veneers placement begins with enamel removal and the taking of bite impressions from patients. With these impressions, the custom-crafted veneers can be made at a lab. Once finished, the veneers are sent to our office and patients return to have their veneers placed. Our dentist positions the veneers carefully before applying dental adhesive and curing it to attach the veneers permanently.

Each porcelain veneer is placed individually to ensure natural-looking and appealing results. After just two visits, veneers recipients gain long-term aesthetic enhancement of their smiles and virtual immunity from a variety of stains. Patients can schedule a consultation with our dentist to learn more about veneers and the simple, non-invasive procedure used to place them.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Kids and Their Orthodontic Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontics and the American Dental Association both recommend that kids should receive an orthodontic evaluation by the time they reach the age of seven. At this point, their jaws have grown enough that an orthodontist will be able to determine how the teeth are going to erupt into their mouth, and if any issues are going to develop as a result. The orthodontist may recommend early orthodontic treatments for your child in order to correct issues while they are still young.

Because their jaw is still growing at age 7, it is easier to address certain issues like crowding. An early orthodontic treatment appliance that is often used is a palatal expander. This device can be used to expand the upper dental arch in a child who shows signs of crowding. By guiding the growth of the jaw in such a way, it is more likely that the teeth will emerge in a better position. Teeth may also be extracted in order to make more room in the jaw for future teeth to erupt more properly. While it is likely that a child who receives early orthodontic treatment will still need braces when they get older, the treatment should be much easier and shorter than it would have been without the early intervention.

Contact our expert in braces in San Pedro for more information about early orthodontic treatments.